Blockchain Capability/Limitations: Bundling
It's important to have a basic knowledge of technical limitations regarding blockchain bundling capabilities. LaunchR leverages bundling on Ethereum and Solana. The action of adding liquidity and purchasing tokens immediately is the very definition of a bundle (in this case). A private transaction, frontrunning is not possible; there is no possibility of a failed executive theory. Because the bundle can never be modified, it is either executed as prepared or not at all (in the case that the transaction should fail).
When building on Base, bundles cannot be used. There is an entity on this chain called a 'sequencer' that receives transactions and places them on chain in the order in which they are presented. Therefore, users are unable to send bundles to Base. LaunchR instead sends all transactions in necessary order within milliseconds of one another. It is vanishingly unlikely that any transactions outside of the initial executive theory will be able to execute prior, however there is a slight margin of error likely no greater than a single percent.
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