Launching the Token Liquidity Pool & Initial Distribution [Bundle]
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Once deployed, the platform user will launch their token on the open market. First, select your token.
Users will set their initial liquidity pool (LP) by choosing an amount of native collateral [ETH, SOL, Base-ETH, etc.] and project token.
Within the Launch module, platform users will also generate their Buyer Wallet(s) (BW). These wallets are the initial wallets which will buy a desired amount of the token supply upon the LP's launch. BWs can either be generated by LaunchR's backend or users can use their own generated wallets by pasting the desired wallet's private keys into the box.
When using the 'generate' function for BWs, users will obtain the private key of the wallet generated.
To set multiple BWs, users will select the 'Add Buyer Wallet' and repeat the process, creating a new private key line and buy amount. BWs must be funded manually, this can be done from another decentralized or centralized wallet platform. When funding, users will choose an amount in accordance with the blockchain they are operating, in the format that is in the appropriate native collateral [ETH, SOL, etc.].
Once BWs are set and funded, the user will set the number of Dispersal Wallets (DW). Any tokens bought by the BWs will then be auto-distributed in a random [split] fashion to the DWs.
*Note* You do not have to generate an equal number of BWs and DWs. It is RECOMMENDED that users elect for a minimum of 20 DWs.
DWs need not be funded initially, as they are holding wallets for the tokens bought by the BWs. To sell or transfer tokens, DWs must be funded. This process can be done during creation or after. For DWs, private keys are not provided as they are hardcoded into the bundling solution and directly affected by the tier-tax system withing LaunchR.
Further within these documents will be explained the process by which to access and sell/transfer from DWs [DW overview UI].
You will be prompted to buy tokens directly with DWs. This ensures max limitations and desires are properly executed. Users will first set their desired number of DWs. Max buy will be auto filled to settings established during 'Deploying the Token & Pair' step.
Further, users will be offered the 'randomize buy percentage' setting. This feature introduces variability in the token purchases per wallet.
Once number of wallets are set, the system will automatically create your specified DWs and provide the user with the exact amount of ETH/BASE-ETH/SOL necessary to execute max buy. Users will find the addresses marked with a RED flag. Below the addresses, the platform will indicate the recommended amount of native chain gas to perform the launch.
Once users have filled the DWs with the recommended buy requirements AND recommend gas fees, RED flags will turn GREEN, indicating that these wallets are ready for launch. Do not launch prior to all wallets being properly funded. Transaction will not execute should requirements not be set.
Once, all wallets are marked by the GREEN flag, users may 'Launch'. You should expect to see 'Token launch' and then a confirmation is executed correctly. If not, you will be given the errors for quick fix in the bottom right corner of the UI.
Fewer transactions within a bundle carries lower builder [blockchain] fees; meaning, that completing the bundle transaction is less financially incentivizing and may take longer to process if the bundle is less complex. Despite this, the bundle will be carried out; however, as stated a minimum of 20 DWs is recommended.